Monday, June 09, 2008

Life With Baby Boy

It's incredibly hard to get anything done when you have a baby! There's lots of things that go by the wayside until there's a moment of calm- where the baby is fed and changed, the parents have had a decent amount of sleep (1 or 2 hours?- yeah that's plenty), we've eaten something to nourish our bodies, the kitchen is clean (we can see at least some of the counter top), AND it isn't time to start the whole process over again. Here's that moment. I thought about laying on the couch and blankly staring at the TV but, then I thought better of it and wanted to post a little something here.

I don't think I have time to go too deep into the story yet. I might start and then get called away by my little sugar plum. So, I will write what I can...

Life with Cooper is an adventure. Bryan and I have been students of baby care 101 all week long. Each day brings new challenges, new successes, and new love. By far, the first day home from the hospital was the hardest. I still was recovering from delivery pretty seriously and we had to learn how to take care of our newborn while sleep deprived and hormone-crazy (me). Every day we seem to get the hang of parenting a little more. I have no idea how any woman can do this job on her own- especially in the first week. I am the luckiest woman in the world to have a husband that takes care of the baby just as much as I do. He's a natural- Cooper loves being held by his Daddy. And how many women can say that their husband has changed just as many diapers as they have- possibly more? I can! Yay! Bryan is my rock- in this situation as in any other. Holding my hand and gently reassuring me as a new mother.

There's no way I can describe how much we love this little guy. He's just an amazing little thing- his perfect little body, his curious eyes, his flailing hands, his little bird-mouth (ever searching for food, fingers), his sweet yawns and coos. It's enough to just sit and hold him. I miss him when I'm napping. I love him so much. So, without further ado, here's some more photos of our son. Enjoy!

Also, for more photos please visit Bryan's flickr page. Just go to


  1. Hang in there! These times to me are the hardest. Lots of crying and exhaustion mixed with some crazy nirvana of joy. im not even sure that makes sense but in my head it does. he is so gorgeous and im totally in love with that orange hat. im with you on the single parent thing, i have a whole new respect for women or men who do this alone. i just don't know how i could do it without cory. it seems just as one of us is at the end the other steps in. i am just so excited for you guys. i cant wait to meet him this week!!!!!!!

  2. Hi there,
    Just browsing around and saw you on Kelly's site thought i would stop by
    congrates on the new baby boy. things do get easier with time when you figure out what cry means what. dads make a world of difference, with my last one, his dad was over seas when he was born and I had to go it alone for the first six months, that was the hardest thing I had ever done.
    Good luck with baby. I look foward to reading how you grow as a parent.

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Can we please get some more pictures of Cooper up in this bitch?

  4. Oooppps! I thought I already left a comment a while back...but I guess not! Loved the post....but have to say, I agree with "JLWS." Bring on the photos! He is so stinkin' cute!

  5. It's like a 12 step program - one day at a time. Somehow you get pushed to your wits end, wake up in the morning, and they will smile at you, or burp, or something, and you will do their bidding all over again. It's all wonderful, really, but after the first 3 months, it starts getting easier. Everything's a first, so don't compare our baby to someone else's, it'll drive you mad. He's gonna do stuff in at the time when he wants to do it. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Sleep a lot. Sleep like your grandparents after the early bird special. That's where you get your sanity. I think it took me a year to get used to shift sleeping, so now it's a lot easier. Trust your instincts.

    Congratulations, you're great parents!

  6. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I demand more pics, too! I think Kelly's site has more pics of Cooper on it than yours does... I'm just sayin':)
    Get some sleep, then post more pictures.
